DRC Discount Retail Consulting GmbH

Jan 252 min

Switzerland: Denner increases net sales to CHF 3.9 billion

Discount Retail Chain Denner is renowned for its affordable product range and frequent special offers, which have proven instrumental in alleviating financial burdens. The anticipated effects of inflation are expected to significantly influence the purchasing habits of the population in 2023. As household budgets become strained, an increasing number of individuals will be drawn to Switzerland's leading discounter Denner.

Denner's footfall in 2023 witnessed a notable rise of 5.2 percent, accompanied by a 4% increase in net sales, amounting to an impressive CHF 3.9 billion. Both Denner stores and Denner Franchise Partner stores contributed to this overall increase, with a growth rate of 4.1 percent and 3.7 percent, respectively. Moreover, the company continued its expansion efforts last year, adding five additional locations to its current network of 864 stores.

Imperative Role of Freshness in Boosting Sales

To cater to the growing demand, Denner has recognized the crucial role of fresh products as a driving force behind sales. Responding to this emerging trend, the company initiated the construction of an additional distribution center in Mägenwil in September 2023. This new facility is set to temporarily store over 700 chilled fresh products, ensuring a constant supply to meet customer needs. Furthermore, this expansion effort also translates into a significant boost in employment opportunities, with the creation of 60 new jobs.

Valuing and Supporting Dedicated Employees

In recognition of the exceptional dedication demonstrated by Denner employees, the Swiss company has taken steps to appreciate and support its workforce throughout 2023. In an effort to offset the rising cost of living, the company has decided to increase the wage bill by 2.4 percent. Additionally, Denner is committed to strengthening the minimum wages for both unskilled workers and employees with vocational training. As a token of gratitude, all employees will receive a special bonus in the form of a Denner gift card worth CHF 500. Such measures reaffirm the organization's commitment to cultivating a supportive and rewarding work environment.

Read more: Denner steigert Nettoumsatz auf CHF 3.9 Mrd.

