Discount Retail Chain ALDI Portugal (German family owned) starts using, from the end of February, an electric truck to distribute products through its stores in Greater Lisbon. The food retailer has partnered with the carrier TJA, owner and responsible for the project developed exclusively for ALDI.
"In addition to being the first 100% electric heavy goods vehicle to operate for a food retailer in Portugal, this truck is also the first to have the PIEK certification, which recognizes vehicles and equipment that, when operating, generate noise below 60 decibels, which enables night-time discharges without causing noise disturbances in urban and residential areas", says the brand in a statement. Additionally, the ALDI electric truck will comply with the Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) requirements, being one of the first Low Emission Zones (LEZ) projects in Portugal for the Greater Lisbon area.
With an autonomy of 180km and a maximum capacity of 26 tons (approximate transport capacity of 18 standard pallets), the new electric truck from ALDI Portugal has a cold engine and its main features are its low noise, independent reduced energy consumption and 100% electrical operation.
Unlike other electric vehicles that have diesel-powered cooling engines, the ALDI truck's cold engine is also 100% electric, which translates into the eradication of harmful gases into the atmosphere. To generate electrical energy for the cold engine and, at the same time, not take away the car's autonomy, an additional battery pack with a capacity of 35kWh will be installed.
In addition to the partnership between ALDI and TJA, the project had the collaboration of the companies MAN, supplier of the vehicle, Addvolt, responsible for the additional battery pack, Carrier that supplied the cold engine and Costa&Reis that, together with Dhollandia was responsible for the cold box and unloading platform.
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