Italian discount channel performance 2023 on private label and total sales.
Share of private label in total sales per format, %:
hyper+super+self-service 21.1
discount 60.1
on line 16.1
others 2.7
Total 100
Private Label sales by channel (%, source: elaborations on Circana data)
Hypermarkets 6.1
Superstore 8.9
Supermarkets 30.3
self-service small 7.9
discounter 43.8
on line 1.3
others 1.7
Total 100
Italian market shares trend by channel:
Sales by channel (%, source: Nielsen IQ)
2005 2020 2023
Traditional 8.2 3.4 2.9
Discount 8.8 19 21.5
Self-service 18 9.9 9.5
Supermarkets 47.9 52.3 51
Hypermarkets 15.8 10.3 9.8
Others 1,3 5,1 5,3
Total 100 100 100
Italian FMCG is worth 92 billion euros, this means that almost 20 billion euros of sales passes through the discounter, in other words more than one in five products is sold by the discounter.
Read more: Perché il discount non è un supermercato e perché le parole sono importanti - Alimentando