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DNA & HR            

"Discount chains have another DNA than non-discount chain retailers."

For most retailer chains, the customer-value focus is on product-choice, on service or on another customer-value. Retailers who also operate a discount chain concept among their existing retail channels, strive for synergy effects, and so their discount channel is a part of a larger organization with shared services. However, discount business should have an alternative DNA with another approach and with an alternative corporate culture and also, the HR approach must be different. 

For discount chains the number ONE customer-value is always pricing and keeping this value is top priority. However, price leadership definitely translates to cost leadership. Every discounter must keep the cost low by a "lean & mean" organization in order to make their business model profitable. The elements of low-price and low-cost should be part of the company's mission, vision & values (MVV) and the DNA of the business. So, here we see a HR challenge.

We see a HR challenge here and the most critical HR question is now: "how to select the right candidates who understand fully our MVV and can bear the DNA of our discount business?"  

DRC can help discounters with designing a functional organization structure with developing a HR strategy and with evaluating management teams. 

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