Discount Retail Chain Aldi Spain (German family owned) plans to buy around 3,500 tons of seasonal fruit and vegetables of national origin, 10% more than in 2020.
ALDI's autumn season fruit and vegetables come from suppliers in the Valencian Community, Murcia, Andalusia, Catalonia and the Basque Country. The company will buy more than 1,700 tons of mandarin oranges of Spanish origin this fall, being the seasonal fruit with the highest purchase volume at ALDI.
Specifically, the company will acquire seasonal fruit, such as mandarins, persimmons, pomegranates, pears, grapes and chestnuts, among others, and vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, cabbages, potatoes, artichokes and camagrocs (mushrooms), of national origin.
ALDI bets on Spanish suppliers
Due to its origin, the fruit and vegetables from suppliers in the Valencian Community and Murcia, regions where the company will acquire more than 2,600 tons of mandarins, persimmons, pomegranates, grapes and artichokes this fall, stand out especially.
ALDI will also collaborate with Andalusian suppliers, mainly from the provinces of Córdoba, Huelva, Cádiz, Seville and Málaga for seasonal products such as mandarins, sweet potatoes and custard apples. Also noteworthy are the pears from Lleida and Gerona, the potatoes from Álava and the camagrocs from Catalonia.
Tangerines: the best-selling seasonal fruit at ALDI
Mandarins are one of the company's fresh seasonal products with the highest volume of purchase, representing practically 50% of the total sales of autumn fruits and vegetables. ALDI plans to acquire more than 1,700 tons of mandarins grown in Spain this year, 10% more than the previous season.
Through the purchase of Spanish mandarins grown mostly in the Valencian Community (Alicante, Castellón and Valencia), Andalusia (Córdoba and Huelva), Murcia and Catalonia (Tarragona), the discounter chain consolidates its commitment to local products and its commitment to national suppliers.
