Discount Retail Chain ARA (owned by Jeronimo Martins) plans to exceed 790 stores with more than 100 openings to be held this year.
Tiendas Ara, will open its doors to a new point in the city of Cartagena, Bolívar. With this opening, the company completes 700 stores throughout the country.
"Thanks to the differential business model, with a policy of low prices, first-rate quality and an expansion strategy to new areas of the country, Tiendas ara has been able to reach more cities in Colombia to continue its commitment to being the store of choice for customers. Colombians, "the company reported.
Likewise, he assured that he has the commitment to continue promoting commercial relationships with local suppliers, the generation of employment, the development of the regions and supporting the communities where we operate.
“The great potential that we see in Colombia is our inspiration to continue growing and promoting our business in more regions of the country. Therefore, we are proud to inaugurate our 700 store in the department of Bolívar, reaffirming the commitment of Tiendas ara to bring low prices to all corners and continue the drive for the democratization of products of the best quality for all Colombians " said Pedro Leandro, General Director of Jerónimo Martins Colombia.
Tiendas ara will continue its expansion and consolidation program in Colombia to continue bringing its value offer through the opening of new stores.
After ending last year with a 24.4% growth in its sales, compared to 2019, for the first quarter of 2021, Ara managed to increase its revenues by 10.5% and reached $ 878,286 million (US$232 million).
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