The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder warned of the coronavirus mutation in a press conference. In Bavaria, you will have to wear an FFP2 mask when grocery shopping and on local public transport. In Bavaria, as of Monday, it will be mandatory to wear FFP2 masks in local public transport and in retail. The cabinet decided on Tuesday in Munich, as Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said.
Söder said the "normal community masks" were in the corona pandemic to protect others. FFP2 masks also protect the wearer themselves. The aim is to improve safety in local public transport and in retail. "The availability in the trade is sufficiently guaranteed, so there are no FFP2 in short supply," emphasized the Prime Minister. The masks are sometimes even "clearly in abundance, sometimes at least available". Söder warns of virus mutants In view of the slightly declining numbers, Söder spoke of a "cautiously positive trend". "Most of the measures are starting to work," said Söder on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting in Munich about the current shutdown. Within 24 hours there were 1,740 new infections in Bavaria, almost 500 fewer than a week ago. With a seven-day incidence of 158.8, the Free State is in seventh place German wide. That is only an interim result. It is still unclear how the holidays will affect. This will definitely be seen towards the end of this week.
Söder emphasized that persistence and patience were still necessary. He warned of the consequences of the mutation that is currently spreading in England, Ireland and the Netherlands. Schools and daycare centers were the drivers of the pandemic in these countries, which is why the lockdown in Germany is "positive". He compared the measures against the mutation with a "race against time".
"Only when we have been sufficiently vaccinated can the ghost be controlled," said Söder. In this context, he repeated his proposal to also discuss a limited vaccination requirement for employees in old people's and nursing homes, as already initiated by the German Ethics Council.
