Good value for money is consolidated as one of Aldi's attributes best perceived by consumers, according to data from Kantar Insights. Specifically, 23% of Spaniards rate the balance between quality and price of the chain's products very positively, along with the proximity of its stores (25%) and its low prices (22%).
In this sense, the firm maintains long-term and trusting relationships with its suppliers and guarantees savings for households that opt for a purchase option based on own-brand products and 80% of national origin.
During the last year, the company has acted as a containment dam in the face of the generalized price rise in the market, containing the increase in prices below the distribution average during the last year. According to internal data, at the end of 2023, Aldi was more than 2% below the 7.1% increase recorded in the sector.
In addition, in 2024, Aldi is among the top two supermarket chains that consumers perceive as having the lowest prices in Spain, according to Kantar Insights. In this sense, the company has gained the loyalty of a consumer who is very concerned about price, quality and national origin: in the last three years, Aldi has increased the number of customers by 29% and there are now more than seven million who trust its supermarkets, according to Kantar Worldpanel.
In terms of private label, Kantar Worldpanel notes that Aldi has contributed 10.3% to the volume growth of the private label over the last three years. The lower price of own-brand products is the main reason for this increase, according to 66% of consumers. Half of Spanish families also declare that they have increased their consumption thanks to the good value for money they offer. On the other hand, in relation to the origin of own-brand products, 70% Spaniards declare that they prioritise the purchase of own-brand products if they come from national suppliers.