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Sweden: Lidl Plus App goes better than expected

Discount Retail Chain Lidl Sweden's Plus App and customer club have gotten off to a better start than expected. "Compared to other companies, we offer much more," says Robert Stekovic, commercial director.

Lidl's commercial director Robert Stekovic is pleased with the app's development.

It is now six months since Lidl launched its customer club and app. The low cost discount retail chain is very pleased with the results.

"We get very positive feedback in the stores, although of course we also received some negative comments on social media. But that's how it usually looks", says Robert Stekovic.

"Perhaps the fairest thing is to look at numbers and according to Lidl, these are very good. Hundreds of thousands, or about 20 percent of customers, currently use the app. More people have downloaded and used the app at checkout than the goal was, so we have had to adjust our goals", states Robert Stekovic.

Recently, Lidl also changed its bonus system. Previously, regular customers received digital scratch cards with gifts, now the refund takes place instead in the form of a staircase. When the customer has reached SEK 1,000 (US$121) during the same month, they receive SEK 10 (US$1.21) back in the form of a coupon and when the customer has reached SEK 2,000 (US$242), an additional SEK 25 (US$3) is added. So it continues up to the maximum ceiling of SEK 8,000 (US$969) where the customer has received a total of SEK 300 (US$36) back.

"Together with sharp membership offers and other benefits, we offer much more than other companies, even if customers do not really compare different bonus systems in that way", says Robert Stekovic.

The technology behind the app is developed at Lidl Spain, where the discount chain has its technical office.

"If you compare with other countries, the development in Sweden is good. We are not at the top but much higher than many other countries. Lidl Sweden has a fairly young customer base and the population has a high digital habit."

What features can we expect in the future?

"There will be a lot of focus on customer-specialized offers and then there will definitely be further development of the scratch card. There is great potential there, not least when it comes to third-party offers. A couple of weeks ago, for example, we had a promotional code in collaboration with Nike."

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