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Germany: Sales & EBIT LIDL 2019/2020

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

The group result of Discount Retail Chain Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG (owned by Schwarz Gruppe) before taxes and interest is 2.24 billion euros (US$2.7Bn) for FY2019/2020. This enabled the Stiftung (Foundation) to increase its earnings by 15%. The return on sales is 2.8%. This results from the consolidated net income of 1.57 billion euros (US$1.88Bn). Lidl has invested 3.3 billion euros (US$4Bn) in real estate. In total, the book value of the properties is now a good 23 billion euros (US$27.6Bn). This is just a brief look at the entire Lidl group. The sales and the results in the Corona year 2020 will definitely raise the overall performance of the Discount-Primus to a even higher level.

The performance in Eastern Europe is an absolute hit

The Schwarz Gruppe does not give a hundred percent insight into the figures from abroad. But one thing is clear. In the USA, the Neckarsulmer had to accept high start-up losses, with now more than 100 stores opened. Industry insiders speak of a loss of around 250 million euros (US$300Mn), involving several acquisitions. And it doesn't look any better for the next few years. On the contrary, many expect losses to double. Fortunately, things are going really well in other countries. Lidl is extremely profitable, especially in Eastern Europe. However, when looking at the financial year that has just ended, one should not forget the effects of Corona. As a result of the pandemic, experts are expecting additional growth of one billion euros (US$1.2Bn) in Germany alone.

Domestic numbers

Taking a closer look at the numbers in Germany is not that easy. Lidl services cannot be completely looked at in the cards. It is known that equity increased by 233 million euros (US$279Mn) in the 2019/2020 financial year. It is now 3.24 billion euros (US$3.9Bn). When it comes to net sales in Germany, industry insiders speak of 23.6 billion euros (US$28.3Bn). In the financial year it was 22.7 billion (US$27.2). Accordingly, we have to record a growth of 3.9% here.

Even if not all the numbers of Lidl are not public, it can be clearly seen that discounter Lidl is doing well.

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