Discount Retail Chain Lidl Poland (owned by the German Schwarz Gruppe) plans to replace paper price tags with electronic ones soon. The tests in the store in Poznań brought good results. "For the sake of precise communication of product information, such as country of origin, price and weight, Lidl Polska introduces the Electronic Shelf Label system", says the operator's message, which also emphasizes that the solution being introduced supports ecology, facilitates the work of store employees and ensures the speed and reliability of information communication that takes place over time almost real. The digitization of the price tag area is a significant step for the chain, which was the first in Poland to decide to introduce them on a mass scale.
"Reliable provision of information about products to customers is a duty of the retail industry, and the progress of digitization of the economy opens up new communication opportunities," believes Lidl Polska, which has been testing the new digital solution for several months.
Electronic price tags seemingly look like traditional ones, but when you look closely, it turns out that they are small screens displaying the price, country of origin and information about the product. So far, electronic price tags function with very good results, in one Lidl in Poznań. Over the next several months, Lidl plans to equip several hundred of its stores with them, and ultimately all of them (over 750 SKU).
As we have established, Lidl plans to start equipping stores with electronic price tags from the assortment of fresh products, including fruit and vegetables, dairy products, bread. It is worth emphasizing that the area of fruit and vegetables is particularly important as it is characterized by frequent changes in the assortment and dynamic prices. It is important that the information on price tags, such as country of origin, price, weight or additional qualities of the product, is always reliable and precise.
How does the ESL system work? Electronic price tags, i.e. the ESL system, are directly connected to the goods management system, therefore all price and product information changes are automatically transferred to e-price tags, almost in real time. With this automation, the effort involved in printing and changing prices is reduced, making processes more efficient and costing less. Significant paper savings also reduce the burden on the environment. What's more, employees do not have to exchange price tags and can therefore spend more time on other activities in the store.
According to experts, the solution is very useful, especially in the case of some assortment groups, which are characterized by high dynamics of price level changes, e.g. fruit and vegetables or stock offer. Thanks to ESL, in the future it will be possible to adjust pricing even easier and faster and eliminate the potential risk of incorrect or outdated information about the product, related to country of origin, price or other qualities of the product. Data on electronic price tags should always be consistent with internal systems.
See here for more:,lidl-wprowadza-elektroniczne-cenowki