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Research: Market shares for discounters grow further in France

Recent publication of Kantar for september show the recent market share development per retail format in France. Conclusion: the discounters are carrying away. Logic! During a period of high inflation, customers turn to refuges brands: those whose prix is ​​at the highest. This month, the correlation is also perfect ... on the Kantar podium of the Prix Image: Lidl, Aldi and Leclerc. On the performance podium: Lidl, Aldi and Leclerc. It sounds clear, right? And, above all, it will last!

Among the other back-to-school winners (but to a lesser extent): Auchan and Carrefour hypers, Casino supermarkets and Carrefour proximity. This is a confirmation for Carrefour hypers (more often up than decreasing for two years), newer for Auchan. Not surprising! The brand has given gasoline (promo's and price). And it's still the best fuel for trade. Be careful still because my little finger tells me that there is already relaxation on prices.

There remains one observation: the market is tightened, Kantar measures + 4.9 % in PGC / LS costs, as there is a decline in volumes.

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