Discount Retail Chain Aldi Spain proclaimed September 19th as the new official private label day, to celebrate their success and to thank all customers for their trust. As top in quality and variety, but cheap and tasty! With Aldi’s private label brands, good quality is affordable for everyone. As a retailer of basic goods, private labels are part of our DNA.
On this day, Aldi Spain held a roundtable discussion in Barcelona “Inflation and new purchasing habits: the role of own brands in the distribution sector”, moderated by Laura Cristóbal Gracia, Director of EFEAgro. Atteendees were Iñigo Fika, Vice-CEO Aldi Spain, Bernado Rodilla, Director of the Oil & Retail Sector at Worldpanel by Kantar, and economist and writer Fernando Trias de Bes. Together they analysed the causes and impact of the upward trend on consumption of private label products.
Spanish shopping habits
During the round table discussion, key conclusions of the third edition of Aldi Spain’s national own brand study were shared. For example, 61% of the Spanish population has increased the consumption of private labels since 2020. In addition, three out of ten Spaniards are convinced that more than 75% of the products in their shopping baskets are private label products. Even more reason to celebrate our private labels. “At Aldi we analyse all the processes throughout the value chain. Thanks to that, we can keep prices low”, says Iñigo Fika, Vice-CEO Aldi Spain.
Aldi Spain loves their private labels because ...
… they represent 86% of the product offering.
…9 out of 10 products at ALDI Spain belong to our private label brands.
…our private label products are key purchasing differentiators for consumers.
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