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Turkey: BIM Leading the Way for Renewable Energy in Turkey

Turkey's dominant discount retailer, BİM, has recently installed its first on-land Solar Power Panel (SPP) project in Uşak Ulubey. In a significant step toward boosting Turkey's renewable energy efforts, BİM has also completed installing SPPs on the roofs of 16 of its warehouses. The Uşak SPP has an installed capacity of 6.45 MW and is expected to meet the energy needs of BİM's 348 stores in Eskişehir, Afyonkarahisar, Uşak, Kütahya and Bilecik, along with its warehouse in Afyonkarahisar. This significant step is an integral part of BİM's long-term commitment to fighting climate change and to helping the environment. BİM's ultimate aim is to lower its greenhouse gas intensity by 20% by 2026 compared to 2019, and with a total of 17 SPP projects under its belt, BİM is leading the way in the mission of a sustainable future and a positive business case.

The Uşak Ulubey SPP project comprises 11,718 solar panels, able to produce energy that corresponds to 3,800 households. It is projected to reduce carbon emissions by 6,800 tonnes per year which is equivalent to 98,700 trees. This latest project is part of BİM's 17 SPPs, including the ones on the roofs of its warehouses, with a total installed capacity of 26 MW. This capacity can produce energy equivalent to the annual consumption of more than 13,500 households, benefitting Turkey's carbon footprint. BİM's renewable energy scheme complements the Turkish Government's work to make the country more environmentally sustainable.

In conclusion, BİM's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the installation of solar power panels are of great significance to Turkey's push for sustainable energy solutions. BİM is setting a prime example of corporate social responsibility with their extensive investments in renewable energy. As a large company, they are showcasing that going green is a necessary approach toward building a more promising and safer future for everyone. The introduction of these solar power panels will act as a leverage point to decrease Turkey's reliance on fossil fuels and lead the way for other companies to follow. Together with government support and people's awareness, the country can work collaboratively towards a better and greener future.

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