Discount Retail Chain BİM Birleşik Mağazalar A.Ş. (listed BIST: BIMAS) aims to meet 25% of its total electricity consumption with electricity generated from SPP projects by 2025.
The report, prepared in compliance with the GRI Standards published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), addressed all areas of sustainability and shared BİM's investments and targets set for a sustainable future. Acting in line with the principle of transparency, BİM openly shared its management approach, strategy and risk management regarding the risks and opportunities identified in connection with the climate crisis.
While the ratio of BİM's sustainable product turnover to total turnover was 8.6% in 2022, this ratio is targeted to reach 10% by 2026.
BİM is also working hard to minimise the environmental impact of its stores and warehouses. In this regard, BİM focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Thus, the aim is to prevent the use of fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Started in 2021, the solar power plants project, which stands out as an exemplary practice in the sector, continued in 2022 and the installation of Solar Power Plants (SPP) on 7 more warehouse roofs was completed. A total of 10 warehouses of BİM generate electricity through SPPs. Thanks to the 12,220 MWh of electricity generated in 2022, 5.3 thousand tonnes of CO2 was saved. In 2022, the total installed capacity of the 10 SPP projects reached 15 MW, while the ongoing projects aim to reach a total installed capacity of 40 MW in 2023. In 2022, the electricity generated from SPP projects reached 2.2% of BİM's total electricity consumption. By 2025, this ratio is targeted to be 25%.
