Inflation changes the store behavior of the Belgian. 7 out of 10 say that they have been actively comparing prices between supermarkets since the start of the inflation wave. To enjoy the lowest possible price, the Belgian more often combines different supermarkets. He can therefore be found more with the discounters, according to an Ivox study.
The Belgian shopping cart has changed considerably since the upset of inflation. Especially private brands are on the elevator with the consumer. Earlier it turned out that more than 7 in 10 Belgians more often choose private brands to keep the shopping budget under control.
Belgian is "Shop Hopper"
A new Ivox study commissioned by Aldi shows that Belgian consumers also ignore other shop habits to save. For example, more than 3 out of 5 Belgians sometimes indicate that they are waiting longer to purchase products in function of promotions that are coming.
In addition, we compare prices between supermarkets. The result is that the Belgian has grown into a real "shop Hopper". For example, half of the respondents indicate that they are increasingly combining different supermarkets since the price increases. This to enjoy the lowest possible prices at that time. 1 in 4 has even changed completely from a fixed supermarket.
Discount increasingly popular
In the search for low prices, the Belgian comes over more often at Discounters Aldi and Lidl, the study shows. Almost 3 in 5 Belgians confirm this. They are mainly young adults (<= 34j) who choose Discount (<= 34j: 64%; 35-54j: 56%; 55+: 49%). Even consumers who could not be found at discounters at all (around 10%) now go for the ax.
The main arguments that motivate the choice for Discount are: the good price-quality ratio (64%), save on the budget (45%), interesting promotions and offers (43%) and shopping close to home (42%).
Aldi can confirm the results of the survey. "Since mid-February we have seen an increased interest in Aldi," says Natalie Duthoy, Managing Director Category Management at Aldi Belgium. “A smart choice given that consumers also want to do money in times of inflation. Our private brands offer the solution: considerably lower than A-brands, but without compromising the quality. We even meet promo hunters with weekly competitive promotions on fresh products that are used daily in the kitchen. Those who want to resolutely want to draw the price-quality map therefore ends up with Aldi. ”
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