With its Global Best Brand Ranking 2022, the Mafo Institute YouGov publishes the best brands in 41 markets worldwide. Here, Mercedes-Benz and discount retail chain Lidl (owned by the German Schwarz Group) are the only German brands in the top 10. Samsung takes first place in the international ranking.
The South Korean electronics group has thus overtaken the US tech giant Google for the first time. Google previously led the ranking for two consecutive years, YouGov reports. Samsung secured first place with 127 score points, Google only managed 106 points. Last year, the South Koreans came second, in 2020 fourth.
Google/Alphabet subsidiary YouTube (85 points) and Netflix (59 points) took third and fourth place. In 2022 they will swap places: in 2021 Netflix was still ahead of YouTube.
The e-commerce platform Shopee and WhatsApp also swap places: Shopee climbs from sixth place last year to fifth this year (51 points), while WhatsApp falls from five to sixth place (50 points).
Toyota is a top 10 newcomer and comes in seventh (41 points). Also new among the world's best is Colgate, an oral health brand. She ends up in 8th place with 34 points.
Finally, ninth and tenth place went to Mercedes-Benz (34 points) and Lidl (33 points).
YouGov's 2022 Global Best Brand Rankings recognize the world's best brands from a consumer perspective. The global top 10 in 2022 is mainly made up of websites and apps, streaming portals, automotive brands and retailers.

See here for more: Mercedes-Benz und Lidl als beste deutsche Marken in globaler Top 10 | MEEDIA
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