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Germany: Aldi expands online shop with drugstore category products

Discount Retail Chains Aldi Süd and Nord have jointly concentrated mainly on non-food in their online shop. Now the discounters are also increasingly selling drugstore goods, coffee and sports nutrition online. The approach is similar to the strategy of its main competitor Lidl.

The discounters Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd are increasingly venturing into new product areas in their joint online shop. Under the motto "Order your own brands online", the retailers are adding food, nutritional supplements, drugstore goods and cosmetics to their online range. This week the two discounters are drumming up support for the new range in newsletters, brochures and on their websites.

So far, Aldi has limited its e-commerce activities primarily to non-food products such as computers, hardware and home supplies. These continue to make up the majority of the range and have already been supplemented by food categories such as wine and pet food. Now Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd are going a step further and offering a more extensive range in the drugstore theme world. According to the website, almost 40 products are permanently listed. These primarily include own private label branded products such as Tandil detergent, Mamia diapers and Kokett tissues and toilet paper, but also coffee capsules from the own brand Expressi, coffee beans from Barissimo and cosmetics from the Lacura brands.

Aldi Süd launches bargain platform

Aldi Süd continues to be keen to experiment in the digital business. The discounter will be marketing special offers from certain categories via its own "Deals" platform in the future.

The offer is also linked to the Aldi stores

In addition, the two discount retailers offer a wider range in the categories of coffee, body care, health and nutritional supplements, but this will apparently not be permanently available in the online shop. For coffee alone, this includes around 40 items from the own brands Barissimo and Expressi, and for nutritional supplements, numerous products from the Aldi Sports brand are available. Aldi, on the other hand, still does not offer classic food products from the dry range such as pasta, canned goods or drinks online.

Pack size counts

In order to make the business with low-margin items more viable online, Aldi only offers the products from the drugstore range in large packs or larger quantities. For example, anyone who wants to order Tandil detergent online has to order two packs, each weighing around 5 kilograms, for a total price of 21.98 euros. There is also a 5.95 euro shipping fee. "Large quantities, without lugging" is the motto with which Aldi North and South are advertising the new offer.

The approach is reminiscent of another discounter: the Edeka subsidiary Netto has long been offering its customers the option of stocking up via the online shop. Netto also forces customers to buy larger quantities of the respective product - but the discounter offers a much larger range of groceries and drugstore goods online than Aldi North and South have done so far. For example, consumers can order 12-packs of long-life milk or trays of canned goods, beer or energy drinks online from Netto.

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